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News              (11/14/05

Music Ministry



Fellowship is simply that.  We gather together, sharing one heart and purpose to sing with our whole heart toward heaven.  Music Ministry is not a venue for us, but a calling.  Its not about getting our point across, but an invitation.  It is to build up the local assembly, or whomever is in the seat in front of us,  where ever we might be.  Through worship and praise, to encourage and support the local Pastor/Teacher, and to invite those who have not known the person of Jesus Christ to find out for themselves how real he really is from real people who fall down, and get back up and sing our hearts out.

Its not about talent, nor is it about equipment, or accomplishment. Its about him, its about our debt to grace, and the unreasonable Love of God.  Sing!

Here is a couple of songs we do.

Breathing in the Questions

He will Make a way

  Latest CD 13 songs

Under the Shadow of the Almighty

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